Add Airbnb Design to Your Existing Home Staging or Design Business

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Tired of struggling for every dollar in your home staging business?

So were we, so we got to work.

We'll teach you how to add Airbnb Design in this valuable, fun mini course so you can scale like whoah.


Diversify Your Services

During these uncertain times while the real estate market is even more unpredictable than usual, cultivating other income streams is key.

Find New Clients

So maybe you've thought about adding Airbnb Design already but you have no idea how to connect with potential clients. We'll give you lots of ideas!

Learn a Valuable New Skill

Whether you add it to your staging business or change lanes entirely, short and long-term rental design is a valuable skill that can support a thriving career.

Flex Your Design Wings

We get it. Staging is so fun . . . for awhile. But eventually you get the urge to be more creative, branch out into funkier styles, and show off what you can really do when the sky's the limit.

Make More while Hustling Less

Staging, especially in lower income areas, can have tight profit margins. Airbnb Design opens up more avenues for maximizing profits so you can breathe easier.


SECTION 1: Planning Your Services

Learn about the different types of Airbnb Design, and get the answers to questions like:

- What services will you offer

- How to narrow down your price range

- How to plan for a realistic timeline

- Who your target clients will be

SECTION 2: Finding Clients

We'll teach you the exact strategies that we've used to fill our calendar, along with more suggestions for finding high-value clients quickly. We'll even show you our actual landing page where we direct our new leads.

SECTION 3: Refining The Details

In section three we walk you through everything you need to have in place before you take your first design client, including things like:

- Do you have a photographer?

- How will you find movers?

- What will your budget be?

- When will clients pay?

. . . & much more!

SECTION 4: Check With The Experts

To ensure you're following all legal and financial laws & processes we'll walk you through why it's important to have the pros help with this step, and the kind of help you need to stay above board.

SECTION 5: Quoting

We'll not only walk you through exactly what you need to include in your quotes to see results, and methods to present it to your client, we'll also show you an actual quote from our business along with tips on:

- Factoring in enough for profits

- What your mood board should look like

- How specific to get on your quote

- What all should be included in your quoted price

- How to suggest updates & repairs gracefully

SECTION 6: Shopping For The Project

This section focuses on things like:

- Shopping for staging inventory vs shopping for design inventory

- Factors to consider when buying furniture

- Considering which items will need prepped before install

- Sources where we love to shop

- Keeping your finances organized every step of the way

SECTION 7: Installing The Design

We'll take the guesswork out of what labor you'll need and what tools and supplies you need to pack for yourself, as well as tips for efficiency and an overview of your entire timeline from start to finish.

SECTION 8: Getting The Property Shot

You can't hire just any photographer to shoot your design work. We'll talk about what to look for, what to ask for, and whether or not you should include the cost of photography in your pricing.

We'll also go over software suggestions for storing and sharing any photo albums you have with your clients.

SECTION 9: Following Up

So the design is installed, but your often out-of-state clients can't just walk through it to see the finished product.

So how do you 'deliver' the completed design to them? We'll talk you through it, and show you ways to impress your clients so that they come back for more.

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Learn the exact process that tripled our profits!

Learn how to write a high-converting quote

Understand where to find high-value clients

Learn how & where to shop to maximize profits

Master your installation timelines & strategies

Discover exactly how to price your services

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